Kitsap CrossFit Committed Club
Celebrate Consistency!
What is the KCF Committed Club?
The Committed Club is a year-long attendance challenge that recognizes and rewards our members who consistently show up to Kitsap CrossFit each month. It will be broken up into monthly, quarterly, and yearly milestones with rewards along the way. In order to achieve committed club status, you will have to attend at least 16 classes during each calendar month. In order for workouts to count for the committed club, you must log a score for the workout of the day.
What is the Committed Club?
- Monthly - at the end of each month, we'll publicly recognize the monthly Committed Club. All members for that month will be entered into a raffle to win a gift certificate from a local business
- Quarterly - at the end of each quarter (March, June, September, December), we'll recognize members who made it in for all three months and there will be another chance to win a raffle prize
- Yearly - members who make the committed club for 10 out of 12 months out of an entire year will win some limited edition KCF swag and be entered into yet another sweet prize raffle
Common Questions

Does everyone who makes the Committed Club win a prize?
- Everyone who makes the Committed Club on a monthly, quarterly, or annual basis will be put in for a RAFFLE for a prize. That means 1 person wins each raffle. Outside of massive gains and fun with your KCF friends, a prize is not guaranteed for all individuals. The exception to this is that EVERYONE who earns Committed Club status for 10 out of 12 calendar months will pick up some limited edition KCF swag.
How will visits be tracked?
- PushPress registration! When you reserve your spot class and the coach marks you as having attended, that counts as a visit. If you do not sign in or if the coach does not mark you as having attended, this visit will not count.
What if I get hurt or I am sick?
- If you are sick, we absolutely want you to stay at home to recover and avoid being around other members. If this is you, check in with Mandy or Jene. If you are HURT, this is a great opportunity to talk to your coach to see how the workout can be adapted to your needs. Workouts can be scaled and modified to ensure you still get a great workout!
What if I’m out of town?
- No problem! Reach out to Mandy or Jene, and one of them will get you set up with WODs you can do while traveling OR help you find a local CrossFit box if you're interested in some fitness tourism! Logging a score for your travel WOD will count as attendance points!